
Teenager’s overusing body deodorant spray

Every time you walk past a teenage boy you will probably smell a scent of deodorant. It seems adverts for men deodorant spray perfumes are working extremely well on adolescent boys as it is widely used in teenagers nowadays. In addition to this behavioral problem, there are other dangerous trends among teenagers that are badly in need of parents’ attention.

Teen boys’ overuse of perfumes is now causing problems in schools. As the new school semester begins, so to does a new problem for administrators. The overpowering fumes from young males who’ve doused themselves in deodorant spray. The heavy scent use is particularly problematic for people with asthma or other respiratory issues. It’s reached the level where the school board will be voting next week on whether to ban the use of such perfumes and institute a “zero scent” policy.

Besides this overusing deodorant spray, other dangerous behavioral problems should also be found out and corrected by parents. Some of the most common behavioral problems in children include temper tantrums, not following directions, whining, fighting with siblings or other children, breaking rules and talking back.
Parents have the ability to shape their children's behavior towards both good and bad results.

What you can do to break teenager’ bad habits if your child is having behavioral problems at school

1. Choose a suitable way before teaching your child. Try ignoring the annoying behavior. Your child will probably outgrow the habit with time.
2. Praise your child for good behavior. Catch your child being good, and tell them you noticed. Giving a lot of attention may actually encourage the behavior.
3. If there are lots of behaviors you want to change, start by focusing on one or two of the most bothersome or dangerous ones. Don't try to make too many changes all at once.
4. Try to figure out what may be making your child stressed, and help them deal with it. Give your child chances to talk to you about things that might be worrying them.
5. Let your child make decisions whenever possible, by giving them acceptable choices. This will help your child feel in control, reducing stress and frustration.
6. Redirect your child and help them find a better place, or better way to do what they are trying to do. Use natural or logical consequences for problem behavior.
7. Be patient—it may take time for you to see results. And keep firm and kind. Follow through every time on the natural or logical consequences.
8. Have a few positively stated rules, and explain the reasons behind them. Make sure your child understands the results of breaking the rules.

In a word, teenagers’ growth up should get more attention from parents. As teenagers’ overusing of body deodorant spray is dangerous for their health. Parents have responsibilities and obligations to shape their children’s behaviors and habits into correct direction.  

